vineri, 18 ianuarie 2013

Pakistan - Karachi


Ok, this was a bit strange, I never though that a european girl like me will lend up in a country with a negative reputation.

What I found there was totally different: it is a clean country, people are hospitable, open to new, beautiful.

But yes, I was for a wedding, the parties were during a full week. I ve been pleasantly surprised by the style, the fashion, the extravagant life style.

As a conclusion it was an amazing experience witch I want to repet as soon as posible.


Ok, asta a fost putin ciudat, nu am crezut niciodata ca o tipa europenizata ca mine va ajunge intr-o tara cu o reputatie negativa.

Ce am gasit insa acolo este cu totul diferit, o tara curata, oamenii primitori, deschisi, frumosi.

Dar da, am fost la o nunta, petrecerile au fost pe parcursul unei intregi saptamani. Am fost surprinsa in mod placut de gustul rafinat al oamenilor in privinta stilului, modul de viata.

In total a fost experinta placuta pe care o voi repeta cu cel mai drag si cu prima ocazie.

The bride and the groom.
Mirele si mireasa

The bride , the day before the wedding.
Mireasa, inainte de nunta.

Henna, part of the their culture.
Henna, parte din cultura lor.

Part of their culture, before the wedding.
Parte din cultura lor, inainte de nunta.

The bride,  the wedding day.
Mireasa, in ziua nuntii.

The bride, the wedding day.
Mireasa, in ziua nuntii.

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